2015 Health Summit

Fran Drescher’s Health Summit


This full day event empowered people in and around the Los Angeles area to take charge of their health, their bodies and their environment. We held The Summit at the prestigious and beautiful Skirball Center on October 13, 2015, with experts on topics such as detoxing your home, integrative medicine, nutrition, positive thinking, and empowerment. There was also a Special Exhibition where attensdees enjoyed information on leading organizations in the field of health, nutrition, the environment, and positive living.

The Speakers

Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai • Ed Begley, Jr. • Senator Barbara Boxer • Rachelle Carson-Begley • Dr. Nalini Chilkov • Mallika Chopra • Ken Cook • Fran Drescher • Dr. Kristi Funk • Dr. Stephen B. Gruber • Helene Henderson • Stacy Malkan • Nena Niessen •  Rosie O’Donnell • Dr. Tamar Peretz • Olessa Pindak • Dr. Cary Presant • Debra Wright • Sharyn Wynters

Fran DrescherIt was a life-changing day for all of us. I was overwhelmed by the response I got from people. This was information that they never would have gotten during their regular visits to a doctor. I feel like everyone left the summit feeling empowered to be active medical consumers, rather than passive patients. To make positive change in their lifestyles. To reduce their risk of cancer and other harmful diseases, and to be able to decide for themselves where to draw the line between good health and fanaticism.

I hope that you’re able to join us next year, when we’ll go even further, fulfilling our mission to educate people about the root causes of disease and how to eliminate them. Because the best cure for cancer or any disease is not to get sick in the first place.

Think Peace & Be Well,

Fran Drescher

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