Breaking news from EWG: New round of tests find more children’s cereals tainted with Monsanto’s cancer-linked weedkiller.

Breaking news from EWG: New round of tests find more children’s cereals tainted with Monsanto’s cancer-linked weedkiller.

In this latest round of laboratory tests, glyphosate, the main ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup, was detected in every sample tested. All but four of the 21 products contained glyphosate at levels higher than what EWG scientists recommend for kids.

Three courts in California have ordered Bayer-Monsanto to pay more than $2 billion after each of the juries found glyphosate caused non-Hodgkin lymphoma in four people who used Roundup. Yet the EPA STILL considers glyphosate to be safe.

Read the full report to find out if glyphosate is in any of your favorite foods.