Ideas for a Greener Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is an American holiday that is loaded with tradition, so why not start a new tradition in your family by making Thanksgiving a green and eco-friendly celebration from start to finish?

Here are 10 tips to help you capture the spirit of the original Thanksgiving, and to give your holiday celebration extra meaning by making your day of thanks green and eco-friendly. A green Thanksgiving will enrich your family’s holiday experience, because you will know that you have made the world a little brighter by reducing your impact on the environment. And that’s something for which everyone can be thankful.

1 of 10 - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

To make your Thanksgiving celebration as green as possible, start with the three Rs of conservation: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Reduce the amount of waste you produce by buying only as much as you need and choosing products that come in packaging that can be recycled.

Carry reusable bags when you do your shopping, and use cloth napkins that can be washed and used again.

Recycle paper, and all plastic, glass and aluminum containers. If you don’t already have a compost bin, use your Thanksgiving fruit and vegetable trimmings to start one. The compost will enrich the soil in your garden next spring.


2 of 10 - Buy and Eat Locally Grown Food

Buying only locally grown food is one good way to have a green Thanksgiving. Locally grown food is good for your table, your health and the environment. Locally grown food tastes better than food that has to be grown and packaged for maximum shelf life, and it requires less fuel to reach store shelves. Locally grown food also contributes more to your local economy, supporting local farmers as well as local merchants.


3 of 10 - Make Your Meal Organic

Using only organic food for your feast is another good green Thanksgiving strategy. Organic fruits, vegetables and grains are grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers; organic meat is produced without antibiotics and artificial hormones. The result is food that is better for your health and good for the environment. Organic farming also produces higher yields, increases soil fertility, prevents erosion, and is more cost-effective for farmers.

4 of 10 - Celebrate at Home

Thanksgiving weekend is one of heaviest for highway travel in the United States. This year, why not reduce global warming and improve air quality by lowering your auto emissions at the same time that you lower your family’s stress level? Skip the stressful holiday travel and celebrate a green Thanksgiving at home.

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