Online Meditation Seminar - Part III

  • Visualize tumors shrinking. Visualize yourself happy, healthy, vibrant and laughing. Visualize a positive check up at the doctor. See yourself saying, "I'm healthy!" If you can visualize it, than you can bring it into existence.
  • Always give thanks to the Universe at the end of your meditation. Even though cancer doesn't seem like something to be thankful for, it can behold treasures for your soul. You can gain immense strength and courage from this experience, which is worthy of gratitude. You could gain a whole new perspective on your life that you wouldn't have had before cancer. You may be grateful for your caregiver or your amazing doctor. There is always something to smile about :)
  • Make meditation part of your daily routine. Meditation should be done in the morning as well as in the evening. It must become an integral part of your day in order to produce positive results. It is a practice, not an occasional experience.