Soul Tips - Breathing

Chances are, if you are reading this then you are breathing. More often than not, your breath is something that goes overlooked and taken for granted. Breath awareness helps detoxify the body, repair cellular damage, regenerate cell growth and carry stress away. Your breath can calm your mind and heal your body. Breath work helps to improve lung function by opening up lung passages and releasing stale air accumulated at the base of the lungs. By exhaling out toxins, it allows the lungs to circulate fresh, clean air.

Here is a simple, practical breath work technique:



  1. Lie flat on your back. Rest your hands comfortably at your sides. Close your eyes and breathe normally through your nostrils. Allow the breath to occur naturally. Relax your body as you breathe naturally for one to three minutes.
  2. Now, sit up straight in a cross legged position. Inhale slowly and count to three then exhale slowly and count to six. Gradually, increase the breath counts. Inhale to the count of four and exhale to the count of seven. Inhale to the count of five and exhale to the count of eight and so on. Repeat two to four sets.
  3. Inhale and exhale naturally through the nostrils for a moment to center and ground yourself; calming your mind and body. Inhale through your nose and hold the breath to the count of three. Then open your mouth and exhale forcefully by opening your mouth and exhaling your breath so it forms the word: "Hahhhhhhhh" Be mindful to draw out the breath when you open your mouth. Repeat six to eight times.
  4. Lie down, again and close your eyes. Visualize your breath in the form of a warm, white light flowing into your lungs as you inhale deeply to the count of three. When you exhale to the count of three, visualize the stagnant air being expelled from your lungs as puffs of grey smoke. Concentrate on your lungs and feel the positive energy flowing through your lungs and into your heart center, filling your body with fresh, pure air. Imagine toxins and impurities leaving your body as you become aware of your natural breath. Place both hands on your chest and feel the natural rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. Stay in this relaxed state for at least one minute.

Sit up straight. Inhale and count to three as you raise your hands above your head and exhale to the count of three, letting your hands drop slowly to your side. Bring your hands to your heart center and end your breath work. Namaste.

Breathe Deeply, dear friends :)

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About Break The Norms
The 'Break The Norms Movement' is an initiative to break taboos in spirituality and provide a transparent picture of the pure potentiality that is seeking manifestation in each one of us. With sacred meditations and workshops, we aim to prepare you with road-maps to truth in a way that is amoral and independent in its soul. Visit us at