Soul Tips - The Power of Your Imagination

Our bodies respond to our thoughts. This fact, alone, is amazing and life-changing. It means that we have the power to heal ourselves and create good health within our body. The immense power of our imagination is often underestimated and overlooked. Visualization is simply imagining something. Once we understand how visualization works, we can use it to help us create whatever we chose in our lives. The brilliant Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

The body takes orders from the mind, so when you visualize something, your body responds as if you were actually experiencing it. When athletes are unable to attend practice, they visualize themselves practicing and studies reveal that it is virtually as effective as real practice. Everything that happens on the physical or material plane is energy. All life is energy. Our thoughts, emotions, words, beliefs and expectations and where we focus our attention forms energy. The power to create our experiences is all within us, especially the power to heal.

So it becomes very beneficial to use the power of our imagination to visualize good health. To heal a specific area of your body, it is highly effective to visualize that area as healthy and disease free. It is highly effective to visualize tumors shrinking and to imagine healthy cells taking the place of unhealthy cells. If you can conceive it in your mind, you can create it in your reality. If we give ourselves the opportunity, the body will heal itself. Here is a powerful self-healing visualization meditation to restore you, both body and mind:

  • Breathe slowly and steadily. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • Visualize peace with each breath in and discomfort leaving your body with each breath out.
  • Repeat this affirmation: “I have the power to heal myself. My body, my mind and my spirit know exactly what to do."
  • Ask your higher- self to reveal to you a symbol of self-healing. It could be anything...a flower or maybe a symbol, whatever works for you.
  • Once you determine your self-healing image, visualize it at the top of your head. Imagine this image showering you with white, healing light, washing away all tension and discomfort from your body.
  • See yourself immersed in the light. Visualize all negative energies, toxins and impurities being washed away by the power of this healing light.
  • Keep your breath slow and steady. Peace with each breath in. Tension leaving your body with each breath out.
  • Stay in this peaceful place and feel the power of your self-healing visualization. Rest for 5 to 10 minutes in silence.
  • Express gratitude for everything that has been given to you, everything that has been taken from you and everything that is on its way for you.

Breathe deeply! And think happy thoughts! :) 

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About Break The Norms
The 'Break The Norms Movement' is an initiative to break taboos in spirituality and provide a transparent picture of the pure potentiality that is seeking manifestation in each one of us. With sacred meditations and workshops, we aim to prepare you with road-maps to truth in a way that is amoral and independent in its soul. Visit us at