Meryl Starr Blog - January 17, 2017

It’s a New Year and a Perfect time to Get Organized.  We are all so busy  days… our families, careers and commitments. It seems like time is accelerating.  Do you feel like you are falling behind with all the things you need to do? Are you constantly feeling out of control?   Is it your desire to get a handle on your life and do what truly feeds your soul?

Most of us are  spinning about and not enjoying life because of all the stress. 

Its time to change. Start taking care of YOU

Here are some important things you can do to get you going.

Number  One is incorporating organizing strategies into our daily lives.

Please  Follow these steps and achieve success. 

Make a change ..Get your self organized now!

Start by thinking about what area in your life needs changing, refining or to be improved upon. 

Do you need more time? 

Are you surrounded by too much clutter?

How does the clutter make you feel?

Do you feel overwhelmed and out of control? 

Why are you disorganized?

What behavior patterns and habits do you have that are preventing you from getting organized?

Why do you want to be more organized?

Have you been successful at organizing any aspect of your life? 

If you could get organized you could………..

Write the answers to these questions down. Keep adding to the list until you feel it is complete. This exercise will help you to see what’s going on in your life it will give you a clear picture of what you need to focus on. 

Next Visualize and Imagine ………..Where do you see yourself in the near future. What does an it look like;  Your home, your car your office? How about YOU ?Are you taking time to enjoy life? Get a clear picture of what you desire and write  those images down.  . Now think about what you need to do to make this come true. Think about what it would be like to achieve these desires.

Now you have to make a commitment to yourself to change the particular area in your life that is not working.

It is important to make the time to do this. Chances are you won’t find the time unless you schedule it.. A good time would be when  your energy is high  and you have no other commitments. Make an appointment with yourself. Write it down on your calendar. Tell your family and friends that during that particular time you will not be available.

We all have a couple of minutes to spare and that is all it takes to get started. Once you get started and get used to your new commitment it will become habit. Remember what you are doing is for YOU so make the commitment now for yourself. 


Meryl Starr ( specializes in transforming people's lives.  She has been in business for over 20 years and is known as one of the country's top personal organizers.  She is also a radio talk show host and an author.  For help with any project for your home or office, download her book THE HOME ORGANIZING WORKBOOK from Amazon.  It's full of great ideas, classic tips, and practical solutions … a must have!