Nena's Cilantro Dip


  • 2 cups of raw almonds (soaked)
  • 2 bunches of cilantro
  • Salt to taste
  • Juice of 1 ½ lemons


  • Cover almonds completely with wather and soak overnight.
  • The next day, drain almonds and rinse thoroughly with water. If you like, you may remove the almond skins for a smoother texture.
  • In a blender, combine the almonds, cilantro, salt, and lemon juce and mix until smooth like pate'.  You may add a bit of water if it becomes too thick.
  • Serve with jicama or any raw vegetable.
  • Add a dash of cayenne pepper for a real kick.

Health benefits of almonds
Almonds may not only decrease after-meal rises in blood sugar but also provide antioxidants to mop up free radicals. (Jenkins DJ, Kendall CW, Journal of Nutrition)


About Nena

Nena Niessen, author of Cures from the Kitchen, is a Nicaraguan chef who is certified in Plant Based Nutrition and Natural Health. As a two-time survivor of cancer herself, Nena’s passion is cooking for cancer patients and boosting their immune systems through the power of delicious, nutritious food. She is a disease prevention cooking expert who only cooks with the most natural of foods. She has appeared on PBS’s “Cooking for Health and Pleasure”, is an official blogger in the Huffington Post, and is a contributor for Edible magazine. Nena has worked with many notable clients such as syndicated radio and talk show host Billy Bush, Arianna Huffington, Sugar Ray Leonard and bestselling authors Dr. Harvey Karp and Robert O. Young; All of whom sing the praises of a woman whose mission is to help people achieve and maintain good health as well as aid in the prevention of disease through the use of healthful, all natural foods. Find Nena online at