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In a groundbreaking study, researchers have shown why a chemical once thought to be a safe alternative to bisphenol-A, which was abandoned by manufacturers of baby bottles and sippy cups after a public outcry, might itself be more harmful than BPA....
n a world first, scientists have demonstrated that a particular type of DNA can shuttle between cells in an animal, a finding that will rewrite textbook science. During their study, the team observed that DNA from a mouse's second genome, or...
It is well known that smoking cigarettes  leads to an increase in lung cancer and oral cancers.  Recent research has now shown that nicotineitself is linked specifically to breast cancer. In a recent study published in the Journal of the...
Cancer patients undergoing surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal therapy, cancer patients in recovery as well as cancer survivors all deal with quality of life issues. Integrative Oncology and Alternative Cancer Care focus on the needs of...
In June 2010 CA A Cancer Journal for Clinicians published research exploring the relationship between Diabetes and Cancer Risk. Type 2 Diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes) and Cancer share many risk factors. The researchers asked the following...
