Alkalinity: Your Wake-Up Call

A lot of people believe that if they do not have symptoms they are healthy, that’s not true, it just means that they are symptom free.  For most people the first symptom of a heart attack is death.  So if you’re waiting for symptoms to show up to tell you how well you’re doing, it is not always the way to go.  A tumor can grow in a woman’s breast for up to 8 years before it’s visible on a mammogram, so for 8 years she thinks she’s healthy, but she’s not, she just has no symptoms.  Symptoms can also be misleading, for example someone who has had an ingrown toenail, a toothache, or an abscess tooth knows how excruciatingly painful it is yet they are simple and easy things to fix with health intervention or medically.  But what’s the pain of cancer?  Heart disease?  Most times there is no pain involved.  Long before someone has a disease they have dysfunction.  

In China they say, “Don’t Wait Until Your Thirsty To Dig A Well, “ It is easier to stay well then it is to get well.  In my studio I have placed on the wall “THE FIVE MOST DANGEROUS WORDS: MAYBE IT WILL GO AWAY.  But does it really go away?  Not all the time.   What happens is that our body compensates so that we can deal with it and go on.  Readers, if you’re swimming in the ocean and see a shark fin, then you don’t,  do you feel better because it went away?  You shouldn't it as it probably submerged to sonar its friends for the feeding frenzy called your knees.  Just because something goes away doesn't mean that you are now healthy, it simply means that your body compensated so that you can go on and continue doing what you were doing.

The three top killers in America are Cancer, Heart Disease, and Stroke; three very sad and unfortunate things to happen.  All three of these diseases are diet and nutrition related where based on what we put in our mouth and what we don’t put in our mouth will determine if we make ourselves susceptible or activate genetics we have for these certain conditions.  There are books, studies, research papers, seminars, courses, you name it….all about this subject!  Modern treatments for these diseases are very invasive and life altering leaving people with the struggle of trying to get some function back to resume as close to normal  life again.  In America, 80% of the population will have one of these three things happen to them.  What are we doing about it?  Health is not an event, or something we do once; we’re either building it or it is going away.

In order to prevent these things from happening and stack the cards in our favor it is important to pay attention to what we eat and how we are eating it.  There’s a simple little measure that can be taken to tell us how we’re doing along the way – and that’s your pH Level.  Our pH will tell us how acid or alkaline we are.  There is not a disease that you haven’t heard about where acidosis, or over acid state of the body, is not somehow associated with how someone arrived at that state of health.  If someone moves towards an alkaline lifestyle and diet consisting of green food, plant based, raw diet they have a better chance of being healthy than someone who has not adopted this lifestyle.

The problem is, is that is can be challenging to do.  You need to cut out inflammatory, highly allergic, and acidic foods such as grain, gluten, dairy, meat, coffee, alcohol.  Often times this leads to failure because these foods are the ones that most people’s tastes buds gravitate towards.  They will always love these foods and the foods that they need to take they don’t like.  Some of my clients have told me that the first time they tried a wheat grass shot is the last time they tried it because it was like licking the bottom of their lawn mower.

To jump start your alkaline diet remember bite sized changes for supersized results.  Try mixing your favorite vegan protein powder with hemp milk and toss in fresh spinach, kale, and a kiwi to sweeten it up.  If you find that adding a green powder is too sweet, again, adding the fresh veggies will tone it down.  As a treat frozen bananas work very well adding texture and thickness to your shake.

What changes will you make this week to move towards are more alkaline lifestyle?

Have a great week,


Click here to visit Yvonne's website for more information, ideas, and products to help balance your pH. Or email Yvonne at

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Yvonne is the owner of Essence of Health located in Laguna Beach.  She graduated from the University of Alberta with her degree in Nutrition and Food Science.  Originally from Calgary, this Canadian brings with her over 23 years in the fitness industry working in both corporate and private arenas.  She is very passionate about health and loves sharing that passion with everyone around her. Yvonne's complimentary background in fitness AND nutrition enables her to bring the latest phenomenon's in the industry to her clients, making Essence of Health the most unique studio in Laguna.  Exercise and nutrition is a partnership and by addressing both you get the best results; KNOWLEDGE + ACTION = RESULTS.  Yvonne helps you transform your mindset, body, and life!