Being Thanksful

Hey Dolls!

November is here and with Thanksgiving just past us I know we've all been giving thought to all the things we are thankful for. I know that I am incredibly thankful that I get to celebrate another lovely holiday season with my family, friends and especially all of you who have supported Cancer Schmancer and our new program Trash Cancer. I'm also thankful that through Cancer Schmancer I can share my story with others and help women all over the country get the help and support that they need to stay healthy and empowered about their health.

My cancer story has a happy ending but not all stories end this way. I'm a cancer survivor and one lucky gal and for that I am immensely grateful. I urge you to continue to listen to your body and take control of your life. Make your appointments, talk to your doctors, eat well, and strive to be the healthiest individual you can be. Start making a healthy choice today and walk off that turkey! I want us all to have as many healthy holidays in the future as possible.

Be thankful for your today, your tomorrow, and for yourself.


Fran and the CS Team