Healthy Lifestyle = Healthy Body: REALLY?

In a word YES! Listen I'm a CANCER survivor so I got a clue about all this stuff. Now 13 years well, I feel like I got famous, I got cancer and I LIVED to tawk about it. So I'm talking.

FYI, it took me two years and eight doctors to get a proper diagnosis of uterine cancer. I got in the stirrups more times than Roy Rogers!

You may be wondering:

How? Why? Are you serious?

Yup! And guess what? Misdiagnosis and mistreatment is fairly common. All too often cancer, in the earliest and most curable stages, mimics far more benign illnesses. Compound that with a medical community bludgeoned by health insurance companies to go the least expensive route of diagnostic testing and you've got a recipe for late stage diagnosis.

Oy Vey in NEON!

So what can we do? Well, for starters, transform from being a patient into a medical consumer.

I got lucky with my cancer. (How's that for an oxymoron?) But it's true. Because uterine cancer is so slow growing, even after two years of misdiagnosis, I was still in stage one.

Thus beginning my journey into the health space as a visionary of change for a healthier nation. First came the NY Times best-seller Cancer Schmancer, which then morphed into the Cancer Schmancer Movement! "Stage One is the Cure" became my mantra and the cornerstone of CSM.

"Catch it on arrival is your best chance for survival!"

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