Is It Ever Ok To Play The ‘C Card’?

Written by guest blogger Ronna Benjamin,

“Are you playing the ‘C Card’?” A friend asked me the other day.

I knew exactly what she meant, of course- asking for favors or sympathy based on a cancer diagnosis.  As in, “I’m so sorry officer, I didn’t realize I was going so fast. I must have been distracted by my recent breast cancer diagnosis.” Playing the ‘C Card’ is despicable, of course. I think we would all agree on that. And yet…

“Of course I have,” I answered truthfully.

But it was just with my husband. It went something like this, in an after-work, pre-dinner scene in our kitchen:

“Hi Honey! How was Work?… My day? Well, my neck is kinda sore, I must have slept on it wrong.” There was a very teeny-tiny part of me that was hoping he was thinking, “sore neck? Maybe it’s the cancer- I better be extra nice.”

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