Justin Klosky - How I Turned Pain Into Purpose

Written by Justin Klosky

Growing up with a secret isn't always easy especially when the secret is life altering. At a very young age I was put in a situation, which at the time, I was unable to understand, process, or deal with. I was sexually abused. Not knowing how to handle the trauma that followed, I found myself organizing, cleaning, as well as creating chaos in my life to balance it out. I developed a serious sex addiction and later on in my years, found myself researching what obsessive compulsive disorder meant (OCD).

There were times in my life where I thought the obsessions and compulsions would never end, where I would forever be controlled by this spell. People would joke with me and say "you're so OCD." Part of me thought this was cruel but then part of me started realizing that it could be powerful and priceless. Because I was unable to fully understand what it was I was going through and how to deal with it, I repressed the now numerous abusive situations in my life and continued to organize them; I created functionality and order in every other area of my life.

In my late 20s, once I realized what it was that I was truly dealing with, I met an incredible psychotherapist who allowed me to put everything into perspective. I was regaining control of my life through organizational discipline and her teachings, enabling me to now verbally express what had happened to me and be at peace with it.

The organizational systems and disciplines that I created for myself to shield me from the traumatic experiences were now a powerful asset in my life. I decided to write a book, documenting my life as a child growing up with OCD, and how it led into me creating my business, the O.C.D. Experience and Organize & Create Discipline. My book is a unique perspective on how to organize every aspect of your life, while also acknowledging that trauma, pain, and hardship can be put to good use if you really want to get through it.

Click the link below to order Justin's book at Amazon.com and a portion of the proceeds benefit Cancer Schmancer