Kristal Moffett, Chemical Free Nights

Fran really got me thinking about formaldehyde when she ran the article about Johnson and Johnson’s Baby Shampoo. Shocking to hear that an ingredient in something you would put on your newborn infant would contain formaldehyde! Most people I know love the smell and would never associate it with a toxin.

Formaldehyde is also sometimes used in one of the adhesives that holds mattresses together! Yes, something that I have next to my face for 8 hours everyday! Most mattresses also have flame retardants on them which contain PBDEs and boric acid. Boric acid is a chemical used to kill roaches. Not images or thoughts that are going to send me into a sweet slumber.

The good news is there are some wonderful alternatives out there that are natural and chemical free. They include mattresses made of organic latex/rubber, organic cotton and organic wool. Make sure before you purchase one that you talk to the company and double check they are free of flame retardants too! They come in all sizes including crib! I will be sleeping deeper knowing that I am on a chemical free mattress!