Non-Toxic Gardening with EggShells

Written by Priscilla Woolworth

My latest obsession: Saving Eggshells! Whenever eggs are required in a recipe, it's wonderful because it means something yummy for my garden too.

Instead of throwing eggshells away like I used to years ago, I rinse and leave them to dry overnight on my windowsill and then store them in a repurposed glass jar. When the jar is filled up with eggshells, I either crush them down using a wooden spoon or I add the shells to a blender, pulse them till they turn into a fine powder.

The crushed eggshells are excellent scattered around seedlings to discourage snail and slugs. Add an extra layer, to keep  animals away that like to dig up freshly planted beds, one of the banes of a gardener!

The powdered eggshells make fantastic fertilizer that your tomato plants will love, by adding needed calcium to growing plants and prevents blossom rot. Add a spoonful to each planting hole.

If I don't need either the crushed or powdered eggshells, I just add them to my Valentina Composter and let them decompose along with all the rest of my plant based kitchen scraps.

Enjoy your garden!


Priscilla Woolworth was born four generations from the founders of the Woolworth's chain of general stores.  She has gone back to her roots and created a virtual store focused on green products. Also, like so many others, she discovered the convenience and ease of shopping at home. With that in mind, what better way to bring Woolworth’s into the new century than an online store that offers a wide selection of the best organic, non toxic, biodegradable, recyclable, energy saving, water saving, and practical products on the market.  Visit  and to learn more.