Cancer Prevention

Feel the Magic of Magnesium

Do you feel that you just can’t seem to get out of a funky mood, no matter what you do? You may be lacking one important mineral that makes a significant impact on your mood – magnesium!

The Mind-Body Connection: Is It A Two-Way Street?

Super strength, super speed, invisibility – the superpowers that we see in movies and on television are amazing. But did you know that you actually have a superpower of your own? Your own mind-body connection can be a powerful aid to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

Bear’s Garlic – Europe's Super Star Secret!

Bear’s Garlic (Allium ursinum), also known as Ramson’s garlic, is one of the oldest, most revered medicinal herbs known in Europe – but not very well known in the U.S. Most Americans have never heard of this plant – much less consumed it. It is not the same plant as regular garlic (Allium sativum) that we are all familiar with. However, Bear Garlic has an interesting history of cultivation that dates back to the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

Did You Say “Enema”? Do They Really Have Health Benefits?

Did you know that enemas have been used for their health benefits for centuries? Ancient Egypt was the first society to document the use of enemas as far back as 1500 BC.

The infamous Ebers Papyrus mentions the use of enemas to stimulate defecation and administer nutrients. The remedy is described as a treatment to cool the anus by injecting a mixture of balanite oil (derived from seeds of the soapberry tree), honey, and carob water.

Probiotics and Pao Pereira: The Natural Way to Fight Colorectal Cancer

“Colorectal Cancer”: a dreadful term that covers bowel cancer, colon cancer or rectal cancer. Colorectal Cancer has become the second leading cause of cancer death in women, and the third for men, and the trend keeps growing.

The 5 Best Homemade Floor Cleaners for DIYers

A common concern about commercial cleaning products is the uncertainty regarding ingredients and chemicals. Did you know that cleaning products aren’t even required to list all their ingredients?

Plus, when listed, reading the label can sometimes cause more confusion than clarity. Who hasn’t felt more unsettled after seeing seven listed chemicals in a row that they couldn’t pronounce?

Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma

Although multiple myeloma primarily attacks the bones, its effects on bone marrow and the immune system can cause a wide variety of symptoms throughout the body. In some people, multiple myeloma can lead to dangerous complications involving the kidneys and blood vessels.

5 Ways Giving Is Good for You

Holiday shopping can be terrifying, yes. But research suggests it’s worth it: New studies attest to the benefits of giving—not just for the recipients but for the givers’ health and happiness, and for the strength of entire communities.

Of course, you don’t have to shop to reap the benefits of giving. Research suggests the same benefits come from donating to charities or volunteering your time, like at a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter. Here are some of the ways that giving is good for you and your community.
