Cancer Prevention

The common disease-causing link between GMOs and WiFi technology, science reveals

A shocking six out of ten American adults (more than half of the population) currently suffer from some form of chronic disease – including such potentially life-threatening illnesses as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.  Many experts note that the prevalence of chronic disease has increased steadily – over the last 30 years – due to the widespread consumption of GMO foods and use of wireless technology.

Bayer trying to convince the public that glyphosate is ‘safe,’ deceptive marketing exposed

What do you get when you take a 150+-year-old pharmaceutical powerhouse – Bayer – and allow it to take over a 117-year-old agrochemical company, Monsanto?  For starters, how about a cool $40 billion in revenue for the unofficial president of the big pharma club?

Proton pump inhibitors linked to an 80% increased risk of liver cancer, shocking new study

Heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, and other disorders related to your stomach and stomach acid can be a real pain – literally. The burning, discomfort, and indigestion can make eating difficult if not nearly impossible.  If you follow the advice of big pharma, all you have to do is take a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) like like Prilosec OTC® or Nexium®.

The chemicals in sunscreen seep into your bloodstream after just one day, FDA says

The chemicals in sunscreen don't just sit on top of the skin, they absorb in the bloodstream, according to new research from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

"Forever Chemicals" - Teflon, Scotchguard, and the PFAS Contamination Crisis

In 1946, DuPont introduced Teflon to the world, changing millions of people’s lives – and polluting their bodies. Today, the family of compounds including Teflon, commonly called PFAS, is found not only in pots and pans but also in the blood of people around the world, including 99 percent of Americans. PFAS chemicals pollute water, do not break down, and remain in the environment and people for decades. Some scientists call them “forever chemicals."

10 Health Benefits of Living Caffeine-Free

Don’t panic. We’re not going to say you need to quit caffeine.

Scented Candles Emit as Many Toxins as Diesel Fumes and Cigarettes

Burning a candle seems like an innocent habit.  Studies suggest otherwise. Researchers have found that most  scented candles emit as many toxins as diesel fumes and cigarettes. A study by scientists at Copenhagen University found exposure to fumes from burning candles to cause worse damage than the same dose of diesel exhaust fumes. This toxic candle smoke led to lung inflammation and toxicity, arteriosclerosis, and cancer.

12 Hormone-Altering Chemicals and How to Avoid Them

There is no end to the tricks that endocrine disruptors can play on our bodies: increasing production of certain hormones; decreasing production of others; imitating hormones; turning one hormone into another; interfering with hormone signaling; telling cells to die prematurely; competing with essential nutrients; binding to essential hormones; accumulating in organs that produce hormones.

Here are 12 of the worst hormone disruptors, how they do their dirty deeds, and some tips on how to avoid them.

Can Your Leaky Mouth Increase Your Breast Cancer Risk?

Oral heath is foundational for vibrant health. Essential #5 stresses the importance of embracing biological dentistry as part of a healthy breast plan.  Some oral situations go beyond root canals and mercury fillings that lead to dis-ease. “Leaky Mouth” is one such condition.
