Cancer Prevention

Sugary Drinks Linked To Cancer Risk In Women

A new study out in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention reports that the more sugar-sweetened beverages a woman drinks, the greater her risk for endometrial cancer. This form of uterine cancer has long been linked to overweight and obesity, which can increase the body’s levels of insulin and estrogen.

Non-toxic Thanksgiving?

Only you can devise the right strategy for avoiding toxic family drama, but here are some quick tips for keeping the big meal chemical-free.

UN agency calls outdoor air pollution leading cause of cancer

* Cancer agency ranks polluted air alongside tobacco smoke

* Some 23,000 lung cancer deaths in 2010 due to pollution

* Transport and power generation are major air polluters

The air we breathe is laced with cancer-causing substances and should now be classified as carcinogenic to humans, the World Health Organisation's (WHO) cancer agency said on Thursday.

This Is Your Brain on Toxins

“Lead helps to guard your health.”

That was the marketing line that the former National Lead Company used decades ago to sell lead-based household paints. Yet we now know that lead was poisoning millions of children and permanently damaging their brains. Tens of thousands of children died, and countless millions were left mentally impaired.

One boy, Sam, born in Milwaukee in 1990, “thrived as a baby,” according to his medical record. But then, as a toddler, he began to chew on lead paint or suck on fingers with lead dust, and his blood showed soaring lead levels.

Target takes serious first step to address toxic chemicals

You spoke up, and Target listened. It was a mere nine months ago that we launched our Mind the Store campaign with the goal of working with, and moving the nation’s leading retailers towards safer products.

Your voice and engagement in this campaign has been part of the reason retailers have been taking concerns about toxic chemicals seriously.

Today we are celebrating another victory because Target announced an impressive first step in the Mind the Store challenge.

BPA's possible role in miscarriages examined

Study shows possible connection between BPA and miscarriages for some women.

BOSTON - New research suggests that high levels of BPA, a chemical in many plastics and canned food linings, might raise the risk of miscarriage in women prone to that problem or having trouble getting pregnant.

Breast Cancer & Our Environment

It's difficult to examine the effects of individual chemicals on risk for a disease as complex as breast cancer. The time between exposures and development of the disease may be decades; we may not know what chemicals we've been exposed to; and we are not exposed to chemicals in isolation.

With more scientific evidence emerging practically daily, it's clear: the chemicals in our environment play a role in altering our biological processes. It's clear that our exposures to toxic chemicals and radiation are connected to our breast cancer risk.

Women take on cosmetics industry

It began more than a decade ago with four women who wondered whether the hair spray, perfume and shampoo they were using every day were safe.

Their quest to find an answer led them to their neighborhood drugstores, where they spent hours reading the labels on beauty products. What they read disturbed them: lists of chemicals and ingredients whose names they couldn't pronounce.

Researchers raise concerns about BPA and breast cancer

A growing number of health advocates are raising concerns about possible links between the estrogen-like chemical BPA and breast cancer.

Consumer concern about BPA, or bisphenol A, has led manufacturers to remove it from baby bottles and infant formula packaging.

Still, BPA also could pose a risk to children long before they take their first sip of milk, according to a September report from the Breast Cancer Fund, an advocacy group. Babies also are exposed in the womb, the report finds.

My Top 12 Cancer Prevention Strategies

There is so much you can do to lower your risk for cancer. But please don’t wait until you get the diagnosis—you have to take preventative steps NOW. It’s much easier to prevent cancer than to treat it, once it takes hold. I believe you can virtually eliminate your risk of cancer and chronic disease, and radically improve your chances of recovering from cancer if you currently have it, by following these relatively simple strategies.
