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Every health organization that is working to fight a disease talks about “raising awareness.” But in the case of breast cancer, there are few people who aren’t already “aware.” It’s the most common cancer in women. With diagnosed cases on the rise...
Stop! Don’t run out to the store and get that bottle or jar of a chemical-laden product for that household chore. There’s a good chance the box of baking soda you’ve already got can do the job. It’s a versatile deodorizer and cleaning product that...
Processed foods may be convenient, but they will not necessarily save you money—especially not if you count the cost of added healthcare expenses down the road when a poor diet starts catching up with you. In terms of long-term disease-prevention,...
The number of (largely untested) chemicals in our environment is on the rise, as are the rates of autism, cancer, and other serious health problems affecting kids. KIWI investigates
 this “silent pandemic”—and reveals how parents can fight back....
Many girls are beginning puberty at an early age, developing breasts sooner than girls of previous generations. But the physical changes don't mean the modern girls' emotional and intellectual development is keeping pace. Two doctors have written a...
