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The manufacturers of sugary cereals marketed to children sure know how American parents think. Although many of their products have as much sugar as a candy bar, somewhere along the line these companies figured out that labels that scream “fortified...
Just when you thought that phthalates, chemicals added to plastics to make them more flexible, were off your radar, think again. Back in 2008, after these chemicals were shown to disrupt the endocrine system, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety...
Fish tacos have become all the rage in recent years and are a specialty of the Pacific coast of Southern California and Mexico. This is a simple recipe: all the components can be made ahead of time and the fish grilled at the last moment. You can...
Although it's not a traditional topping for American tacos, cabbage slaw is an essential ingredient when making fish tacos. This colorful, vinegar-dressed coleslaw can be made in just a few minutes. Use preshredded cabbage to make it even quicker....
