Mindful Corner: Meditation

The Science Behind Meditation

Meditation involves being present in the moment, letting thoughts and feelings come and go naturally, and regulating breathing in order to improve calmness and well-being [i]. Studies show positive benefits of meditation on psychological distress and physical symptoms related to cancer and cancer treatments [i]. Meditation has also been found to be beneficial for significant others of those with cancer [i]. These benefits may be due to changes in the brain related to regulating emotion, attention, and self-awareness, as well as changes in the immune system involving pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory lymphocytes and increasing cellular longevity [Tang et al., 2015 and Carlson et al., 2003 as cited in reference i]. For more information on the research behind meditation and cancer care, check out this post from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Click here for info on how to start a meditation practice