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f only fairy tales could last forever in real life as they do in the world of make-believe, Queens native Fran Drescher would have undoubtedly taken her place alongside the likes of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. By the time Drescher was attending...
Only you can devise the right strategy for avoiding toxic family drama, but here are some quick tips for keeping the big meal chemical-free. Don’t gobble antibiotics. Choose a heritage, sustainable or organic turkey instead. Factory raised...
When she’s acting, Fran Drescher likes to take cues from her real life. Last year’s Happily Divorced, a second act in sitcoms for the former Nanny, was based on Drescher’s relationship with ex-husband Peter Marc Jacobson. Lately, though, the New...
Written by Justin Klosky Growing up with a secret isn't always easy especially when the secret is life altering. At a very young age I was put in a situation, which at the time, I was unable to understand, process, or deal with. I was sexually...
