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              Lead is known to brighten colors – and that’s why it was used in paint for many years. But while Congress still fights to stop lead paint on imported toys, many women unknowingly ingest it every day in their lipstick. Lead is not a...
Holly's Pilgrim Stuffing Reprinted with permission from Feeding the Whole Family by Cynthia Lair (Sasquatch Books,  2008). My dear friend Holly and I make this stuffing almost every Thanksgiving.  My family begs for it. The better the bread that...
 Most kids dread going to biology class. Maybe it's because they're lazy, or just don't find any of it interesting, but not many people would call it their favorite subject. That is until they start learning about cells, genetics, etc. That's what...
One of the easiest and most effective ways to promote good health and to help protect against cancer is with your diet. The American Cancer society estimates that one third of all American cancer deaths might be diet-related. The conclusion is...
