
I am proud to say that I have volunteered for Fran Drescher's Cancer Schmancer. Fran is the real deal. Her book, Cancer Schmancer, gave great comfort to me and my sister when our Mother was dying in the hospital. Fran is a tremendous human being and genuinely cares about the health and welfare of others. I support her organization and everything she does. -flrntino

At 35 I was diagnosed with Uterine and Cervical cancer. That was 7 years ago. I underwent a radical hysterectomy and have been cancer free since. Unfortunately I never had any children. I often wonder if I would have been diagnosed sooner had the right tests been available and done at that time. I also wonder why for years did the tests show me as “normal” when I had cancer growing inside me. I was, like Ms. Drescher, misdiagnosed for years. I stand behind everything that she and her foundation have done and will do for all women. She is a fierce and courageous woman! This organization is the absolute best thing that has happened for women in the fight against cancer. Fran you are awesome!      -njdk34

I love what this foundation stands for, and all its doing to help fight cancer. Awareness is the 1st step to help in the fight. My father passed away from it when I was a teenager and my mother has survived breast cancer. So it means a great deal knowing that this foundation is out there to help. -glitteringrose
