Healthy Eating

The 6 Tastes: A Guide to Ayurvedic Nutrition

Much of the wisdom of Ayurvedic nutrition rests on the tip of your tongue, literally!

According to Ayurveda, the sense of taste is a guide map towards proper nutrition as food speaks to us directly through taste.

a means ‘to relish, praise or taste;’ sa means ‘juice, sap or secretion.” Rasa is the taste associated with secretions in the mouth. The moment a substance (food, medicine, or herb) touches the tongue, the first experience is taste, or rasa. Any substance, be it chilli or milk, creates salivation and thereby taste.

Is Fish Healthy? Separating Toxic Myths From Facts

Weighing the risks and benefits, the health and harm, of eating fish today

Since the beginning of recorded history, fish has always been an important source of protein for humans. Delicious, rich in nutrients, and high in unsaturated fatty acids, fish are beneficial for our health. However, seafood is minimal in the American diet, and on average only about 5 percent of Americans eat seafood more than once a week.

The Top 5 Detoxifying Foods to Eat This Summer

In a perfect world, we’d be able to avoid toxin exposure. But I don’t think you need me to tell you that our world isn’t perfect. To help our body recover from the toxins it will inevitably face, we need to invest in ways to support detox, which is best done by optimizing nutrition.

Here are 5 foods that can help you detox this summer. Make sure you buy organic if possible!

I Study Cognitive Health & Longevity: What I Eat In A Day For A Youthful Brain

When it comes to supporting a youthful brain, what you eat plays a significant role. At the risk of sounding like a broken record: Your brain is an organ, and fueling it with the nutrients it loves can help enhance its function over time. So why not load up on foods specifically known for better brain function? 

Must-Have Immune Supplements for Winter Weater

Have you said “thank you” to your immune system lately? It works tirelessly, round the clock to protect your body from nasty outside immune invaders and many types of toxins. You’ve been given an elegant complex system that is made up of specialized organs, cells, and proteins that all work in harmony to keep your body healthy and thriving. How do you keep it in tip-top shape? By supplying nature-sourced vitamins, minerals, and botanicals, you can help it function at its highest level.  

Is the Word "Digestion" a Sore Subject for You?

Many people struggle with occasional digestive issues from time to time, but if you find yourself habitually suffering from an upset stomach, gas, heartburn, nausea, indigestion, or constipation, you may want to make some key changes to your diet so you can boost your digestive system performance.  

A Perfect Pair For Heart Health - Vitamins D3 & K2

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for Americans, claiming the lives of over half a million people in the United States every year. Heart disease is a result of plaque buildup on artery walls, which can inhibit the flow of blood to organs and tissues. Although many causes contribute to this condition including lack of exercise, smoking, and being overweight or obese, by far the most important factor appears to be an unhealthy diet, especially the regular consumption of dairy and red meat. However, there is increasing

Try Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut

“Fermentation.” You’ve probably heard of it, whether touring your favorite brewery, or while listening to your neighbor’s latest health kick.

There’s good reason it’s been popping up all over! Not only does the fermentation process create tasty food and beverages, but health experts believe it may be the key to good health.

So what are fermented foods, and why are they so beneficial?

Fermentation is the chemical breakdown of a substance using bacteria and yeast.

What Should You Eat to Fuel Your Workout?

When you invest time in your health and wellness at the gym, it is important to make sure that your nutrition matches your effort. If your goal is to get stronger, run farther, or simply fuel your body with high-quality nutrition, keep some basic principles in mind.  

Should You Be Eating More Fish?

Is your goal to keep your body thriving with robust health? Then fueling your body with fresh, organic fruits and vegetables paired with protein sources such as fatty, wild-caught fish, plant-based lentils or quinoa, and healthy, vitamin-rich beans, can help boost your health with a vast array of potent nutrients, including all of the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

However, additional guidance from the Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency is touting one specific piece of advice about your diet: eat more fish!
