
CarrotAt Cancer Schmancer we are all about being educated medical consumers. That is why we have partnered with Break the Norms to post content about meditation and cancer. Check out great articles on the power of self healing and meditation and remember to breathe deeply!

February 25

Relax... This may be the hardest part of meditation; to relax. Regardless of what occurs during your meditation practice, do not stress about it. Just go with it and don't judge your experience. Meditation is what it is. Your job is to simply do...
February 24
Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. Practice overcoming negative self-talk with examples provided.
Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits...
February 21

Pick a specific room in your home to meditate. Make sure not to choose a room where you work, exercise or sleep. Light candles and incense in the room to create a peaceful atmosphere.
Commit for the long haul. Meditation is an everyday practice...
February 17

Experiment. Many of us visualize a Yogi sitting in full lotus position beneath a Bonzi tree, however, we should be more experimental and try different types of meditation. Try sitting, lying down, eyes open, eyes closed, walking meditation and so...
February 13

Breathe deeply. Breathing deep slows the heart rate, relaxes the muscles and quiets the mind. Inhale through your nose, hold the breath for as long as you comfortably can and exhale.
Stretch before you sit. Stretching loosens your muscles, allowing...
