Healthy Eating

Food Better Than Supplements for Cancer Prevention: Expert

Nutritional supplements are popular among Americans but people need to educate themselves and use caution when using these products to try to reduce their risk of cancer, says a University of Texas expert.

"Researchers are still unsure about whether or not minerals, herbs and other plants taken in pill, capsule, tablet or liquid form actually prevent cancer," Sally Scroggs, health education manager at the Cancer Prevention Center at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Medical Center, said in a news release from the center.

Olive Oil: Helping in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Something as simple as olive oil could actually make a difference when predisposed to or fighting against breast cancer. Components in this antioxidant monounsaturated fat actually attack tumors, retarding their growth (even to the point of implosion) and can protect DNA against harmful cancerous cells.

Eating By Numbers: Food labels can stump even the smartest eater.

Remember when surprises in your food used to be fun? A temporary tattoo. A neon-orange whistle. A mini Barbie. These days, though, a surprise inside isn't always a good thing, especially when it comes to trans fats, added sugars, and hidden calories. Fortunately, almost every food product you buy comes with a label designed to take the mystery out of your meals. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to determine what, in fact, that label is telling you — which is where this illustrated guide to nutrition labels comes in. Think of it as your own nutritional decoder ring.

Healthy Cholesterol May Lower Cancer Risk

HDL 'Good' Cholesterol Associated With Reduced Risk for Cancer

Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level may help protect you against cancer, according to a new study.

The Claim: Rosemary Helps Reduce Toxins in Grilled Meat


Cooking meat at high temperatures is known to create toxins called heterocyclic amines, which have been linked to some cancers. Marinating lowers the risk by preventing the formation of the toxins. But one ingredient that makes a big difference is rosemary. Studies show that adding it to ground beef and other types of muscle meat before grilling, frying, broiling or barbecuing significantly reduces heterocyclic amines.

BLOG: Organic Food: Dear Mr. President, Go Organic!

What is amazing is that I wasn't the one to tell him this, nor was the first lady (although she quite likely already has). It was the President's Cancer Panel, working under the auspices of the National Cancer Institution.

KIDS - Healthy Eating Basics

You may be confused about what you should and shouldn't eat to stay healthy. In fact, making healthy food choices isn't hard at all. To help prevent heart disease and some other diseases, you should eat mainly:

Putting protein into perspective

During digestion, protein in food is broken down into the 20 amino acids that are the basic building blocks our bodies use to create its own protein.  Our bodies need protein to maintain our cells, tissues and organs. A lack of protein in our diets can result in slow growth, reduced muscle mass, lower immunity, and weaken the heart and respiratory system. Protein gives us the energy to get up and go –and keep going.

Pomegranates may hold key to prevent and treat breast cancer

Pomegranate juice has recently been noted for its antioxidants, heart benefits, and potential cancer fighting attributes. The seeds produce a chemical known as ellagic acid naturally. It is shown to help slow and even prevent growth of cancer cells in breast tissue. Recently in a lab study, pomegranate juice has shown that it could be the next estrogen-responsive breast cancer treatment.
