Healthy Eating

Vitamin D, Miracle Drug: Is It Science, or Just Talk?

Imagine a treatment that could build bones, strengthen the immune system and lower the risks of illnesses like diabetes, heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure and

The 7 Core Principles to Lasting Health

Wouldn’t it be incredible if all the popular “health secrets” and “quick-fix solutions” to our health problems really worked? Wouldn’t you buy them if they did? I would!

Green tea 'may block lung cancer'

Drinking green tea may offer some protection against lung cancer, say experts who studied the disease at a medical university in Taiwan.

The latest work in more than 500 people adds to growing evidence suggesting the beverage has anti-cancer powers.  In the study, smokers and non-smokers who drank at least a cup a day cut their lung cancer risk significantly, a US cancer research conference heard.

The protection was greatest for people carrying certain genes.  But cancer experts said the findings did not change the fact that smoking is bad for health.

Green tea 'may block lung cancer'

Drinking green tea may offer some protection against lung cancer, say experts who studied the disease at a medical university in Taiwan.

The latest work in more than 500 people adds to growing evidence suggesting the beverage has anti-cancer powers.  In the study, smokers and non-smokers who drank at least a cup a day cut their lung cancer risk significantly, a US cancer research conference heard.

The protection was greatest for people carrying certain genes.  But cancer experts said the findings did not change the fact that smoking is bad for health.

Stored Fats May Make Cancer Cells More Aggressive

Finding could explain link between obesity and cancer, researchers

Executive Health January 07, 2010, 12:00 EST

Acai and Other Berries: Fact or Fiction?

What’s all this I hear about acai berries? Are they really as magical as they sound?

Planning on a healthy holiday- Cancer survivors learn to think ahead

Cancer survivors battling the disease through good nutrition work to get more fruits, vegetables and whole grains on their plates year-round, but they face a special challenge during the holidays, when those items are not traditionally abundant at parties or family gatherings.

"The average weight gain during the holidays is five to 10 pounds," said Sandie Hunter, clinical nutrition coordinator at Delnor Hospital in Geneva.

Obesity is now the leading cause of cancer

Waging war against those extra pounds just might save your life.
The leading cause of cancer these days is obesity, according to The Associated Press, with about 1 in 12 new cases of the disease due to excess weight.
European researchers say that obesity now accounts for up to 8% of cancers on the continent, according to the AP.

Protein - Quantity and Quality Count

By: Alison Anton, Certified Nutrition Educator

Most of us know that the human body requires protein for building and restoration, but with so much conflicting information, we're confused as to how much (and which kinds) of protein to eat. From the vegan diet to the Atkins Diet, the range of information is extreme.

Cooking with Tea

BY: Alison Anton, Certified Nutrition Educator

Even a novice cook will have some herbs and spices lying around her pantry. She might also have some tea. Just as thyme and oregano are added on the fly during cooking, tea leaves can double as flavor enhancers to offer dimension and distinction to any sweet or savory dish. But do you have to be "gourmet" to do this? Absolutely not.
