
Fran is committed, articulate and does not give up. With the CS Movement, she works with politicians to change legislation regarding womens cancers. Everyone loves the Franny and when she speaks, they listen and learn. I was a founding board member and continue to volunteer. The letters we received from women who went to their gyn. and requested a transvaginal ultrasound, even though it was not offered, and learned early that they had a mass on an ovary or the thickening of the uterine lining, were powerful. Remember education is power. I learned a lot, too. I feel equipped to listen to my body, how to be a medical consumer by asking questions of my physician, writing down the answers and in conjunction with them get the proper care. I know firsthand how many hours the staff, the volunteers AND the boardmembers work. This organization is crucial.     -Twyla Littleton-Shabtai

This is a great organization. It advocates taking control of your body. Which is so important because when cancer hits us or a family member the first thing you feel is out of control. Fran Drescher is a great leader and means everything she says. She is willing to personally encourage people no matter who they are. When my husband had a cancer scare (luckly just a scare) 2 years after I did she offered personal words of encourgement through email that meant so much to us. Stage one is the Cure and learning and to read our own bodies signs and signals is so important. Cancer Schmancer encourages in an amazing and positive way!!!!
My husband and I walked with Fran as part of the Cancer Schmancer Team in NYC. It was a rough walk for me I am 2 years cancer free and am suffering from a lot of damage from the chemo. Mostly nerve damage in my legs and as a result I am constantly on pain killers. However being part of this team for the Revlon Walk meant so much to my husband and I. It is uplifting to be part of something bigger than yourself and to come in contact with amazing people. I have an 11 year old daughter and it is for her and all the other young people that I work through my pain and do whatever I can. I love this organization because I want my daughter to remember my illness in a positive way and to realize that strength and greatness can come out of rotten situaions!     -Sandy Ramos and Mario Ramos Jr.

This is an amazing organization doing great things! 5 STARS go to them for all their dedication and hard work.    - Kit Wallace
