20 Awesome Indoor Workouts to Try Before Winter’s Over

You’re not imagining it. Winter still isn’t over. There’s no daylight when your alarm clock goes off, you’ve logged more miles than you’d like to count on the dreadmill, and — duh — it’s really cold out there. It’s no surprise that any motivation to get outdoors and work up a sweat has gone the way of the groundhog and buried itself until spring. But don’t let the season be an excuse to stray from those resolutions and lose your workout mojo. We’ve rounded up our favorite calorie-busting workouts that can be done indoors to get through these final weeks of winter. And who knows — you might even find a workout you’ll want to do all year long.

0 Awesome Indoor Workouts to Try Before Winter's Over

1. Ride it out. So the idea of wiping out on black ice or feeling the cold breeze freeze your face while bike riding isn’t appealing? Spin class might be for you. These intense indoor cycling classes can burn up to hundreds of calories and keep bones strong  . Interval-based rides will also strengthen the butt, thighs, calves, and even the core. No helmet necessary.

2. Lap it up. It’s never too early to dig up that swimsuit. Head to your gym or community center’s indoor pool to get in a few solid swims before summer hits. This low-impact exercise lets athletes exercise longer without excess muscle strain, and might even beat yoga when it comes to improving breathing technique   . Bonus: An improved mood, and a leaner physique to boot  .

3. Resistance train. No need to venture outside — a gym isn’t required for these 50 bodyweight exercises, guaranteed to improve strength and endurance with just body resistance alone. Try this 30-minute workout, complete with high-intensity supersets, to get a heart-pumping resistance workout without any dumbbells, machines, or plates.

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