Are There Toxins in Your Food Packaging?

Food packaging can be the source of some pretty toxic players🤷:
🔹 Styrofoam, also known as styrene in the chemical industry, is a known carcinogen…which means that it’s been shown to cause cancer in animal studies
🔹 Animal studies are used to study a single chemical’s effects… because their diet, lifestyle, and other exposures can be easily controlled…humans not-so-much!
🔹 Look for the recycling codes on the bottom…it’s the triangle on the bottom of food packaging with a number…6 is styrene, 3 is vinyl, and 7 has bisphenol-A… these chemicals are also endocrine system “disrupters”, and can affect normal/ appropriate hormone signaling (e.g., insulin, thyroid, fertility, cancer risk)
🔹Try to avoid food and drinks in these food packaging materials whenever possible (it ain’t easy!)
🔹 For take-out food, consider bringing your own container that’s stainless steel or glass! Our favorite Indian food restaurant will fill up our stainless steel insulated container…you just have to ask🤔
🔹At home, stick to glass and stainless steel and ditch the plastic Tupperware and non-stick pans…it’s pretty easy to swap!

For more info/tips/hacks on reducing harmful chemicals in your life, click here for