Help GoodGuide Trash Cancer

Fran Drescher’s movement, Cancer Schmancer, recently launched a new campaign called Trash Cancer to empower consumers with the tools and knowledge to live a preventative lifestyle. Aiming to educate about chemicals found in everyday products, the website is powered by GoodGuide ratings allowing users to search for products that are free of known or suspected carcinogens.

To further educate, GoodGuide and Trash Cancer are teaming up to host a Twitter party about keeping a safe, toxic-free household. Join us on Tuesday 10/25 at 5pm PT/ 8pm ET to learn simple ways to minimize exposure to carcinogens. Just follow the hashtag #GGMoms to join in or visit this special chat room.

And what would a party be without prizes? From Cancer Schmancer swag to copies of Alexandra Zissu and Jeffrey Hollender’s book Planet Home there will be tons of chances to win. Most importantly, everyone will walk away with confidence that their families are living in a toxic-free house!