Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt's COVID-19 Cheat Sheet

Coronavirus Overview

  • 80%are men
  • 20% are women


  • 98% get a fever
  • 76% get a cough
  • 44% flu like muscle aches
  • *Stomach Ache is usually an indication of a more serious version

CT Scan is better than a Chest Xray

With Symptoms

  • High dose IV vitamin C for 3 days in a row. 10-20 grams doses. *This protocol has a very high remission rate.
  • Followed by 2 grams maintenance p/d
  • In Germany they had success w 7.5-15 grams IV every 15-30 minutes until cramping and diarrhea and then pull it back a bit to a tolerable level for 3-5 days.

Controlling Furins

  • Andographis (the king of Herbal bitters) will STOP FURINS.
  • Andographis Plus
  • 1 dropper 4X p/d (Available from Ki Science) *If symptomatic every hr.

Inflammazone inhibitors

  • 50mg Melatonin p/n
  • Vitamin C
  • Humming

Virus will live for days in nose and sinuses before migrating.

  • Nitric Oxide will stop it there with
    • Humming-15X increase of Nitric Oxide naturally produced in nasal passages(find the tone that vibrates the sinus’ most as you hum on the exhale)
    • Vitamin C

Do not take

  • Ace inhibitors
  • Selenium
  • Ibuprophen

Respiratory droplets (sneezing, coughting, etc.) is the ONLY KNOWN FORM OF TRANSMISSION as of now

4-7 day incubation before first sign of a fever


Learn more at KlinghardtAcademy.com