Holiday Exercise Tips

For many, the holidays equal shopping, quality time with family and gorging on cookies, cakes and holiday feasts. While the hustle and bustle of the season may tempt you to take a hiatus from healthy eating and exercise, you can stay fit through the holidays by incorporating exercise into your favorite seasonal activities.

Set Realistic Fitness Goals

The holidays tend to be busy, and it might not be realistic for you to get in your customary daily hour at the gym. Instead of setting yourself up for disappointment by trying to fit too much into the holiday season, modify your goals to something achievable, the American Council on Exercise suggests.

Sweat While You Shop

By turning your holiday shopping runs to the mall into exercise sessions, you'll save yourself time while burning off Thanksgiving dinner. Texas Woman's University recommends parking in the back of the lot and power-walking around the mall a few times before you begin bargain-hunting.

Exercise in Short Spurts

You should be getting 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise at least four days per week, the Mayo Clinic advises --- but you don't have to get it all at the same time. Shovel the snow from your driveway in the morning, go for a short jog after lunch and take your dog for a stroll in the evening.

Transform Family Time Into Fitness Time

Spending time with loved ones is part of what makes the holidays so special, but you don't have to give up this time to exercise. Instead, recruit your family and friends to join you in your fitness pursuits. Stage a snowball fight, go ice-skating or rake the leaves together to get your heart rate up while enjoying the company.

At-Home Workout

Instead of spending your time driving to the gym and back, invest in a home workout DVD. Many call for inexpensive and basic equipment, such as resistance bands, an exercise ball or dumbbells, and you can always find 20 minutes to pop in the video between holiday activities.

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