Pomegranates may hold key to prevent and treat breast cancer

Pomegranate juice has recently been noted for its antioxidants, heart benefits, and potential cancer fighting attributes. The seeds produce a chemical known as ellagic acid naturally. It is shown to help slow and even prevent growth of cancer cells in breast tissue. Recently in a lab study, pomegranate juice has shown that it could be the next estrogen-responsive breast cancer treatment.

In 75% of breast cancer cases, the cancer is fed by estrogen. It has been noted that 400,000 of women die of breast cancer annually all over the world.

The Cancer Prevention Research, is the first to conduct a study that takes a look at the affects of pomegranate juice and aromatase, an enzyme that plays a key role in making estrogen and promoting the grown of breast cancer. The effects of the ellagitannin-derived compound in pomegranate juice was found to potentially prevent estrogen related breast cancer. The effect of 10 compounds on breast cancer grown and aromatase activity was considered. Urolithin B stood out the most on the fight of breast cancer. 

No suggestions or recommendations to substitute pomegranate juice for traditional treatments is being made yet, but tests are showing promise. 

"More research on the individual components and the combination of chemicals is needed to understand the potential risks and benefits of using pomegranate juice or [its] isolated compounds for a health benefit or for cancer prevention," says Powel Brown, M.D., Ph.D, chairman of the clinical cancer prevention department at University of Texas M.D. Anderson cancer center. He was not involved with this study.

Other Benefits

Fruit and vegetables are measured on the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Scale (ORAC) to measure the antioxidant level. "The higher the number on the scale, the more antioxidants and disease fighting chemicals in the food," says Dr. David Hnida, a CBS3 medical editor.

Those who also measured a the top levels include: blueberries, plums, blackberries, raspberries, dark grapes, apples, and strawberries. It seems that it does have its benefits to include these high antioxidant fruits into your diet.

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