Another Reason Why You Shouldn't be Partying Hard in College: It Could Lead to Breast Disease

Just when you thought it was alright to party all night now that you are in college, complete with alcohol and all that jazz, let us tell you this - it is not! In addition to all the other more "general" reasons, here's another one - you could end up developing breast cancer.

We know, we know, drinking and breast cancer never had anything to do with each other. Well, looks like they do not now. And it has been scientifically proven as well! Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Harvard University have stressed that girls and young women who consume alcohol, and that too on a more regular basis, tend to increase their chances of not only contracting benign breast disease, but also breast cancer.

Yes, it is true, non-cancerous or benign breast disease has very high chances of turning into cancerous tumors in the breast.

It has been seen that some 80% of breast cancer tumors are actually benign to begin with. Then no one care, things keep getting worse and it turns into the much dreaded cancer.

Now if you think that the study is warning only college going ladies and those who are in their early 20s, let us clarify that bit as well. The research actually included girls from ages 9 to 15, so that's essentially Pre College, and although it was a follow up study of about 10 years, we are still trying to get over the figure 9!

Anyhow, the study effectively managed to prove that those who consumed alcohol ended up falling prey to breast diseases much more than those who decided to either stay clean or have limited alcohol.

The risk actually increased with the increase in the amount of alcohol consumed.

Scary? Well then the next time someone invites you to a party, limit your alcohol intake, or try and stay out altogether. Just don't get labeled an outcast!

Looking to read more about the study? Pick up the May issue of Pediatrics. You can also find it online in the April 12 issue.