Health News

Early puberty is no fun. Girls who mature earlier than their peers are more likely to be teased and have beh...
Cancer is the world's top "economic killer" as well as its likely leading cause of death, the American Cancer...
  New York Governor David Paterson (D) has signed legislation (S. 3296-H/A. 6919-D) that prohibits the manufa...
Health concerns have been pronounced for cosmetologists and manicurists, who are exposed daily to cosmetic pro...
It's up to all of us to change the odds of getting cancer in our lifetimes.  Find out more about what you can...
It seems that during the month of August, some stores unfailingly undergo a transition.  All of a sudden, ther...
More and more Americans are weighing in as obese, creating a health crisis in the country. When it comes to...
Before this week's topic I never really thought about what was in my beauty products. After this topic I have...
New Haven, Conn. — A team of Yale researchers have identified a genetic marker that can help predict the risk...
Do you ever leave your GYN's office feeling more confused about your reproductive health than when you went in...
Nazareth native Dr. Hossam Haick is one of the world's leading scientists; he explains how he came up with hi...
Ordinary Courage   You do what you have to do You may not think your strong That is ordinary courage Which you...
