Some Not So Good News For Flame Retardants

It seems that flame retardants have been making headlines recently. One recent headline that made me very happy came from the Governor of California 3 days ago. Governor Jerry Brown was quoted in regards to flame retardants and the need to revise decades old fire safety standards:

"Toxic flame retardants are found in everything from high chairs to couches, and a growing body of evidence suggests that these chemicals harm human health and the environment," the governor said in a news release. "We must find better ways to meet fire safety standards by reducing and eliminating -- wherever possible -- dangerous chemicals."

This is not only good news for California but good news for the whole country. California is a leader when it comes to environmental standards, and many states follow California’s lead. Bravo and thank you for acknowledging this issue Governor. I look forward to following this story and will keep you all posted as it unfolds. Until then, be conscious consumers and try to buy chemical free products whenever possible!