Cancer Prevention

Taking the Initiative: Early Warning Signs for Uterine Cancer

Many gynecologic cancers advance without warning, but the most common form of uterine cancer announces its presence quite clearly. “The good news about endometrial cancer is that it has a warning sign, which is irregular bleeding for the younger woman and postmenopausal bleeding for the older woman,” says UAB gynecologic oncologist Larry Kilgore, M.D. “When you go through menopause at age 50 or so, you shouldn’t bleed anymore. If you do, it’s cancer until proven otherwise. Most diagnosed cases of endometrial cancer occur because of what’s known as postmenopausal bleeding.

‘Skin deep’ in more ways than one

Chemicals found in Common African American Hair Products such as straighteners/relaxers (perms), detanglers, colorants, shampoos and conditioners

Estrogen and endocrine-disrupting chemicals or EDCs, compiled primarily from the booklet, “Techniques to Achieve Naturally Healthy Hair”:

• Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) and Calcium Hydroxide (No Lye)

• Diazolidinyl Urea

• DMDM Hydantoin

• Propylene Glycol

• Diethanolamine

• Monoethanolamine

• Triethanolamine

• Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Sodium Laureth Sulfate

• Hydroquinone

Five Products That Contain Formaldehyde: Is Your Health at Risk?

To the average consumer, formaldehyde may be best known as an embalming agent. But this naturally occurring chemical is a major industrial staple, used in many consumer goods, including cleaning products, cosmetics, and building supplies.

Formaldehyde in Household Products

 ...Formaldehyde is also listed on labels as formalin, urea, phenol formaldehyde, methanal, methylene oxide, oxymethyline, methylaldehyde, and oxomethane. Formaldehyde can be responsible for eye, ear and nose irritations as well as recurring sore throats. And people with asthma can have more frequent and more severe attacks when exposed to even low levels of formaldehyde...

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Soaps, makeup and other items contain deadly ingredients, say consumer advocates

 ...According to Jane Houlihan, who directs cosmetics safety research for the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, cosmetics and other personal care products contain numerous ingredients — such as phthalates, parabens, formaldehye and diethanolamine — that we should be wary of. “What we put on our our skin often ends up inside our body, and so it’s every bit as important as what we eat, drink and breathe when it comes to minimizing exposure to things that aren’t healthy for us,” she explains...

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Why I'm Anti-Antibacterial Soaps, Even in Flu Season

 ... But hand-washing obsessive though I might be, I won't use antibacterial soaps or antibacterial hand sanitizers as an extra precaution. They're not any better than washing with regular soap and water, and they contain something normal soap doesn't -- hormone-disrupting chemicals called triclosan and triclocarban.

How Healthy Is Your Home?

Is your home a healthy place for your family to live and thrive?

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CDC: Too few Americans getting screened for common cancers

The number of Americans being screened for colon, breast and cervical cancers still fall below national targets, federal health officials said Thursday.

In 2010, 72.4 percent of women were being screened for breast cancer, below the target of 81 percent, for cervical cancer it was 83 percent of women, while the target is 93 percent, and for colon cancer 58.6 percent of Americans were screened, missing the target of 70.5 percent, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

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BLOG: Cancer Prevention?

Richard Nixon launched the War on Cancer (not his words) in 1971 and since then we have suffered untold incidences of cancer and spent billions of dollars on research. We live in a time when cancer has become so commonplace that the news of new cases seems almost expected.

How You Can Prevent Uterine Cancer

Most women assume that ovarian cancer is the most common gynecologic cancer. They are surprised when I tell them that uterine cancer – also known as endometrial cancer – is actually the most common gynecologic malignancy and the fourth most common cancer in women.
