Cancer Prevention

These Common U.S. Snack Ingredients are Banned or Restricted Abroad

From making our food look delicious to making it texturally satisfying, these ingredients are hard to let go of.

Ultraprocessed Foods Linked to Heart Disease, Diabetes, Mental Disorders and Early Death, Study Finds

 Eating ultraprocessed foods raises the risk of developing or dying from dozens of adverse health conditions, according to a new review of 45 meta-analyses on almost 10 million people.

Deep Sleep Nurtures the Brain

In this post, my aim is to explore the intricate and important relationships between sleep and brain health, with a specific focus on deep sleep and its role in enhancing the function of the brain’s glymphatic system. This is truly an emerging and fascinating area of neuroscience that clearly dispels the notion that while we sleep, the brain is resting as well. First, let’s unpack what is meant by the various stages of sleep.

What to Know When Buying Sunscreen

Do you know what to look for when you’re buying your sunscreen?

Preventing Cancer Can Be a Family Affair: Ali’s Story

Between my parents, my daughter and me, you could say preventing cancer is a family affair.

African American People and Cancer

Compared to members of other races, Black and African American people have higher rates of getting and dying from many kinds of cancer.

How to Protect Yourself from Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer may be the fourth most common type of cancer for women worldwide, but luckily it is amongst the most preventable types of cancers. This particular type of cancer is so common because of its association with a very common sexually transmitted infection: the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is found in 99% of cervical cancer diagnoses.

Foods That Fight Gynecologic Cancer

The World Cancer Research Fund, along with the American Institute for Cancer Research, analyzed research on nutrition and its role in cancer, and published the “Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective."

The recommendations for the general public are as follows:

Overcoming Brain Fog

Have you ever experienced a day when your thoughts felt as clear as mud? Maybe you’ve had moments when even the simplest tasks seemed overly complicated, like your brain was cloaked in a dense, impenetrable fog? If so, you’re not alone. This phenomenon, known as brain fog, is incredibly common, and it can be as tricky to navigate as it is frustrating. Let’s unravel the mystery of brain fog, why it happens, its impact on our daily life, and more importantly, how to manage it.

Holiday Survival Guide

When we talk about a healthy holiday, we’re usually thinking about the celebratory meal itself – how to cut the calories, make healthy substitutions, and avoid overeating. And that’s part of it.
