Health News
To get protection from the sun’s damaging rays, you won't have to dig deep in your wallet this summer. One of...
Touch toes. Downward dog. Breathe. It’s a yoga routine that cancer doctors have prescribed for years without...
Evaluating its change over time, CA-125, the protein long recognized for predicting ovarian cancer recurrenc...
Cancer by nature is a pretty private, individual disease. I think I heard somewhere that over 35 different di...
Researchers have found a new way to use an existing blood test that may provide a way to screen women for ova...
Environmental toxins are a greater cause of cancer than previously believed, according to a new report from t...
Because the symptoms of uterine cancer are associated with other less dangerous conditions, a woman experienc...
The biggest threats to women's health are mostly preventable. Here's what you need to know to live a longer,...
A transvaginal ultrasound is a sonogram performed through the vagina that allows for close-up views of the...
What is amazing is that I wasn't the one to tell him this, nor was the first lady (although she quite likely...
Over a period of nearly two decades, the medical costs of cancer care almost doubled in constant dollars, but...
ALBANY — New York unveiled what it billed as the nation’s first comprehensive statewide cancer map, which bec...