
CarrotAt Cancer Schmancer we are all about being educated medical consumers. That is why we have partnered with Break the Norms to post content about meditation and cancer. Check out great articles on the power of self healing and meditation and remember to breathe deeply!

January 16,
Adolphe Quetelet a Belgian scientist in the 1830’s, mapped people's weight in proportion to their height and found some interesting correlations. Even though he never intended for it to become a scale, the world knows Quetelet’s work as the BMI or...
August 14,
The Science Behind Meditation

Meditation involves being present in the moment, letting thoughts and feelings come and go naturally, and regulating breathing in order to improve calmness and well-being [i]. Studies show positive benefits of...

July 11, 20

Avoiding or burying your emotions can mess with your health. See, many experts believe emotions become stored in your body, and unless you do the necessary work to release them, they can accumulate and ultimately sabotage your well-being...

March 21, 2
We've all heard about the power of meditation. It's been shown to ease depression, improve mental functioning, and reduce stress and anxiety. It also reduces what I call Quantum Toxins -- thought patterns, or attachments to negative feelings...
February 28
Death is a natural part of life. From the beginning to the end, life is constant change and nothing stays fixed. And that gives life its vitality. But it also causes a certain heartbreak when we face the difficult truth of impermanence. Grief is a...
