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More and more Americans are weighing in as obese, creating a health crisis in the country. When it comes to your body, eight critical numbers can save your life: 1. Weight 2. Body Mass Index (BMI) 3. Body Composition 4. Hormone Levels 5. Waist-to...
Before this week's topic I never really thought about what was in my beauty products. After this topic I have taken a serious look at what I use on my body. Check out what I found. Perfumes and Fragrances Phthalates are a class of chemicals linked...
Dolls, What an exciting few weeks!  I just returned home from a great trip to D.C., where I went to support the introduction of the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010.  Can you believe 1 in 5 personal care products contain chemicals linked to cancer?  If...
New Haven, Conn. — A team of Yale researchers have identified a genetic marker that can help predict the risk of developing ovarian cancer, a hard to detect and often deadly form of cancer. Reporting online in the July 20 edition of the journal...
