Cancer Prevention

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness


Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of your pancreas — an organ in your abdomen that lies behind the lower part of your stomach. Your pancreas releases enzymes that aid digestion and produces hormones that help manage your blood sugar.

Several types of growths can occur in the pancreas, including cancerous and noncancerous tumors. The most common type of cancer that forms in the pancreas begins in the cells that line the ducts that carry digestive enzymes out of the pancreas (pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma).

How Your Gut Microbiome Determines Breast Health | Gut-Breast Connection

If you just read the title of this blog post and furrowed your brows, I get it. A gut-breast connection might seem far-fetched. How could seemingly two unrelated parts of your body be so separate, and yet so connected? The breasts are part of the reproductive system, and your gut microbiome is part of the digestive system, right? Why would they be related at all? 

Synthetic chemical in consumer products linked to early death, study finds

Synthetic chemicals called phthalates, found in hundreds of consumer products such as food storage containers, shampoo, makeup, perfume and children's toys, may contribute to some 91,000 to 107,000 premature deaths a year among people ages 55 to 64 in the United States, a new study found.

The 411 on BRCA - Know Your Breast Cancer Risk

Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
About 5% to 10% of breast and 10% to 15% of ovarian cancers are hereditary. Hereditary cancer means cancer runs in your family, and could be caused by a change in certain genes that you inherited from your mother or father.

Genes act as instructions and contain information to build and maintain cells in the body. Humans inherit one set of genes from their mother and one set of genes from their father.

Mining the Exposome for Environmental Links to Disease

By mapping a lifetime of environmental exposures, researchers aim to uncover causes of chronic conditions.

For children with asthma, triggers are everywhere. 

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Estrogen Dominance [+ 7 Easy Fixes]

This week, I’m diving into estrogen dominance and how it affects the health of both women AND men. As America’s Gut Doctor, you know I’m going to talk about how everything goes back to the gut, too. I promise I won’t leave that out!

Eat to Beat Breast Cancer: Six Foods to Choose (and Six to Lose)

One of the mightiest weapons in the fight against breast cancer may be the fork. Food can play a key role in reducing (or increasing) the odds of getting breast cancer or having a recurrence. While science suggests a healthful plant-based diet can reduce breast cancer risk, certain foods seem to be particularly good at defending against breast cancer, while others are risky. Here are six foods to choose—and six to lose.

Can Detox Prevent Breast Cancer?

Here we answer some common questions about the connection between environmental toxins, detoxification and breast health.

Q. Can our environment cause breast cancer?

Can Medicinal Mushrooms Fight Viral Invaders?

Do you think your body is continually under attack by germs, toxins, and other immune-compromising invaders? Research says yes. You are exposed to many immune insults in your environment, which can create stress and anxiety that can keep your immune system on high alert, demanding extra attention and depleting your immune system. How can you use natural agents to support your immunity response
