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Most women assume that ovarian cancer is the most common gynecologic cancer. They are surprised when I tell them that uterine cancer – also known as endometrial cancer – is actually the most common gynecologic malignancy and the fourth most common...
 After hearing about the dangers of everyday chemicals, I came home and looked closely at everything I was using.  I began in my kitchen.  I could not believe how much plastic was around and how every item bought and stored was in some kind of...
              Lead is known to brighten colors – and that’s why it was used in paint for many years. But while Congress still fights to stop lead paint on imported toys, many women unknowingly ingest it every day in their lipstick. Lead is not a...
Holly's Pilgrim Stuffing Reprinted with permission from Feeding the Whole Family by Cynthia Lair (Sasquatch Books,  2008). My dear friend Holly and I make this stuffing almost every Thanksgiving.  My family begs for it. The better the bread that...
