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Women will soon be able to use an easy, self-administered test to screen for cervical cancer.
The FDA in May approved Roche Diagnostics’ human papillomavirus self-screening solution, called cobas HPV, and BD’s Onclarity HPV, which would allow women...
Gynecological signs and symptoms that may require medical attention
Vaginal bleeding and discharge are a normal part of your menstrual cycle before menopause. But, if you notice anything different or unusual, talk to your healthcare provider. Don't...
Anxiety and other mental health disorders in men are still largely stigmatized. Beyond first recognizing and identifying the condition, there are vital steps men can take.
My life is a dichotomy in that I’ve spent years in tae kwon do, love...
Women who have abnormal bleeding after menopause typically undergo a non-invasive procedure — a transvaginal ultrasound — to look for signs of uterine cancer. But research suggests that test misses far more cancers in Black women compared to white...
If a middle-aged man starts clutching his chest, sweating profusely, and gasping for air, everyone knows he's probably having a heart attack. It’s the “Bollywood drama” depiction of heart problems, says Dr. Basel Ramlawi, a cardiothoracic surgeon...